- inherent vice
- англ.внутренне присущий порок (оговорка в контракте)
Das Deutsch-Russische und Russisch-Deutsche Business- und Banking-Wörterbuch. - М.: Russkiy Yazyk - Media. N. D. Iwaschtschenko. 2005.
Das Deutsch-Russische und Russisch-Deutsche Business- und Banking-Wörterbuch. - М.: Russkiy Yazyk - Media. N. D. Iwaschtschenko. 2005.
inherent vice — UK US noun [C] ► INSURANCE a natural characteristic that causes some goods to be spoiled or become damaged, which insurance companies will not accept as a risk: »The insurers denied any liability on the grounds that the damage was due to an… … Financial and business terms
inherent vice — /ɪnˌhɪərənt vaɪs/ noun the tendency of some goods to spoil during transportation ● Inherent vice discouraged us from importing tropical fruit … Marketing dictionary in english
inherent vice — A defect or weakness of an item, especially of a cargo, that causes it to suffer some form of damage or destruction without the intervention of an outside cause. For example, certain substances, such as jute, when shipped in bales, can warm up… … Accounting dictionary
inherent vice — A defect or weakness of an item, especially of a cargo, that causes it to suffer some form of damage or destruction without the intervention of an outside cause. For example, certain substances, such as jute, when shipped in bales, can warm up… … Big dictionary of business and management
inherent — 01. The will to survive is [inherent] in all living creatures. 02. Misako always told me that she disliked the hierarchies [inherent] in Japanese culture, and came to New York to escape that system. 03. Stress is an [inherent] part of life, with… … Grammatical examples in English
vice — 01. His only [vice] is his great fondness for expensive wines. 02. Of my many [vices], I think smoking will be the most difficult to quit. 03. My husband insists that having a glass of wine every night is a [vice], but I think it s just a… … Grammatical examples in English
inhérent — inhérent, ente [ inerɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1503; lat. inhærens, p. prés. de inhærere « être attaché à » 1 ♦ Qui appartient essentiellement à un être, à une chose, qui lui est joint inséparablement. ⇒ essentiel, immanent, inséparable, intrinsèque. Les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
inhérent — inhérent, ente (i né ran, ran t ) adj. Joint inséparablement. • La beauté du visage est un frêle ornement.... Mais celle de l esprit est inhérente et ferme, MOL. Femmes sav. III, 6. • Le vice le plus inhérent, si je puis parler de la sorte,… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Vice President of Uruguay — List of Vice Presidents of UruguayParties: Colorado Party, National Party, Frente Amplio History of the officeThe office of Vice President of Uruguay dates from 1934 [ Vicepresidente de Uruguay , Wikipedia (in Spanish)… … Wikipedia
INHÉRENT — ENTE. adj. Qui par sa nature est joint inséparablement à un sujet. La pesanteur est inhérente à la matière, est une qualité inhérente aux corps graves. Vice inhérent au sujet d un ouvrage. Faiblesse inhérente à la nature humaine … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
INHÉRENT, ENTE — adj. Qui par sa nature est joint inséparablement à un sujet. Vice inhérent au sujet d’un ouvrage. Faiblesse inhérente à la nature humaine … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)